Bag Style Pocket Nets
Made from 100% cotton and available for all sizes of table. Deluxe nets have denser cotton than the less expenive Enonomy version. All styles supplied as sets of six pocket nets.
S4721 No. 1 size Deluxe Bag Nets (For balls upto 2 1/16")
S4723 No. 2 size Deluxe Bag Nets (For balls upto 2")
S4725 No. 3 size Deluxe Bag Nets (For balls upto 1 7/8")
S4724 No. 3 size Economy Bag Nets (For balls upto 1 7/8")
S4728 No. 4 size Economy Bag Nets (For balls upto 1 5/8")
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